Green energy like Solar, Wind mill, Bio-mass energies never produces carbon which induces wounds on the Ozone layer. So it is nature-friendly and also cost effective.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Green Energy to Lessen Global Warming".

We have begun to experience the bad effects of Global Warming by sudden flood in some parts of world such as Leh In India, Pakistan, North America etc and speedy melting of glaciers in Antarctica and Polar Regions.This Global Warming was due to the unscrupulous use of fossil fuels like petrol, diesel and heavy and domestic electrical gadgets like refrigerator, air conditioners, electric motors, filament lamps,perfumes, air purifiers, shaving creams, photo copiers, Laser printers etc.These devices are emitting carbon/ Chloro Fluro Carbon (CFC) in to the atmosphere , where there is a safety umbrella of Ozone layer. This ozone layer absorbs the heats reflecting by the carbon molecules in the air and filtering the Ultra violet rays coming with the sun rays. Ultra violet rays are very harmful to living beings when it falls directly from the sun without being filtered by Ozone layer.It is the main causes of skin cancer, block in eye site and preventive capacity.
The CFC emitting from the before said devices and heavy & small industrial units, motor vehicles etc has a long life in the atmosphere. They multiplies the oxygen molecules and thus there forms huge holes in the ozone layer. Sun rays coming directly through holes creates harmful effects in the Earth and the Living beings.Atmosphere temperature may go high up to 7 degree C more than the normal heat.So this high temperature will harmfully effect the bio-diversity of the Earth.
Practicable solutions to control this fatal phenomena are a few things.
First of it is plant trees as much as possible.We have to plant trees about seven folds of the amount of present forests in the world.This trees are absorbing carbon in daytime for photosynthesis and emitting oxygen.Rooftop plantations can be effectively practiced to halt the heat emitting from concrete forests in the huge metropolitan cities of the world

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